Bentley Allan and Jonas Nahm, forthcoming. Strategies of Green Industrial Policy: How States Position Firms in Global Supply Chains. American Political Science Review.
Tørstad, Vegard, Jonas Nahm, Jon Hovi, Tora Skodvin, and Gard Olav Dietrichson, 2023. Economic recessions and decarbonisation: analysing green stimulus spending in Canada and the US. New Political Economy. Michael R. Davidson, Valerie J. Karplus, Joanna I. Lewis, Jonas Nahm, Alex Wang, 2022. Risks of decoupling from China on low-carbon technologies. Science 377 (6611): 1266-1269. Jonas Nahm, 2022. “Green Growth Models.” In Lucia Baccaro, Mark Blyth, and Jonas Pontusson. Diminishing Returns: The New Politics of Growth and Stagnation. New York: Oxford University Press. Jonas Nahm, Scot Miller, and Johannes Urpelainen. 2022. G20’s US$14-trillion economic stimulus reneges on emissions pledges. Nature 603, 28-32. Jonas Nahm and Johannes Urpelainen.2021. The Enemy Within? Green Industrial Policy and Stranded Assets in China’s Power Sector. Global Environmental Politics 21 (4), 88-109. Jonas Meckling and Jonas Nahm. 2021. "Strategic State Capacity: How States Counter Opposition to Climate Policy." Comparative Political Studies.
John Helveston and Jonas Nahm. 2019. “China’s key role in scaling low-carbon energy technologies.” Science 366 (6467): 794-796. Jonas Nahm. 2019. “The Energy Politics of China.” In Kathleen Hancock and Juliann Allison (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Energy Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press Jonas Meckling and Jonas Nahm. 2019. "The Politics of Technology Bans: Industrial Policy Competition and Green Goals for the Global Auto Industry": Energy Policy 126: 470-479 Jonas Meckling and Jonas Nahm. 2018. "When do States Disrupt Industries? Electric Cars and the Politics of Innovation." Review of International Political Economy 25(4): 505-529. Jonas Meckling and Jonas Nahm. 2018. "The Power of Process: State Capacity and Climate Policy." Governance 31(4): 741-757.
Jonas Nahm. 2017. “Renewable Futures and Industrial Legacies: Wind and Solar Sectors in China, Germany, and the United States.” Business and Politics 19(1): 68-106. Jonas Nahm. 2017. “Exploiting the Implementation Gap: Policy Divergence and Industrial Upgrading in China’s Wind and Solar Sectors.” The China Quarterly 231:705-727.
Genia Kostka and Jonas Nahm. 2017.“Central–Local Relations: Recentralization and Environmental Governance in China.” The China Quarterly 231:567-582. Jonas Nahm and Edward S. Steinfeld. 2014. “Scale-Up Nation: China’s Specialization in Innovative Manufacturing.” World Development 54: 288-300. Jonas Nahm and Edward S. Steinfeld. 2014. “The Role of Innovative Manufacturing in High-Tech Product Development: Evidence from China’s Renewable Energy Sector” in Production in the Innovation Economy, edited by Richard Locke and Rachel Wellhausen. MIT Press. |
Jonas Nahm | Assistant Professor of Energy, Resources, and Environment | Johns Hopkins SAIS
1619 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC | jnahm @ jhu.edu
1619 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC | jnahm @ jhu.edu